Nice place to stay but where is everybody?... Oct 10, 2014
I'm at a nice little RV resort today with the best pool I've seen since I left Maine. With this heat I'm all in !! Had the place to myself too. You know I haven't seen an orange tree since I've been here. Well maybe I did and there was no fruit. Also once I reached Florida another billboard popped out at me. Dunkin Donuts !!
Ya, that's right I haven't seen or visited a Dunkin Donuts since I left Bristol CT. They are just not out west.
Somehow I lost that hour I gained a few weeks ago. Yup, this is my 23 hour day. Somewhere around Tallahassee the time changes. Saw a little bit of Maine today. At the pool they fly the Maine State flag and then again at Red Lobster tonight I met several dozen Maine lobstahs.
I didn't eat one of those little 1 1/4 pounder gold mines though I choice Atlantic Salmon. The big piece. It was cooked perfectly. The sun shone all day. No rain. My neighbors tonight are from Palm Beach, FL and came in tonight as well. they say it has been raining down here since early June all the time. So much so that this is the first opportunity that they have had to take their rig out for a vacation. I am fortunate that on this entire trip I've managed to out run the rainy days all but two part days in three weeks so far. but now I'm in Florida. Enough said. Observation... The butterflies down here are suicidal. They just jump right out in front of my big picture window windshield and make a BIG mess. Wipers are no help on that type of mess. Just have to wait to clean it at a rest stop or filling station. And I've seen my share of filling stations :)
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